How to write a comparative and how to write a narrative essay go hand in hand as both these focus on not only making the essays look descriptive but also sound narrative. The basic rules to writing a good essay revolve around learning how to choose the right words for your essay. Poor selection of words can make the readers feel out of your depth and misinformed. So, if you are in the process of learning how to write a comparative Essays , try to understand not only the meaning of words but also their correct placement.

Technically speaking there are two words for the same substance. You need to know where to place which words to make sure that the meaning does not change and the sentence structuring seems flawless. An improper selection of words in an essay make an essay appear acceptable or non-acceptable to the users as you do not know who will read your essay and from which viewpoint. Our language carries a domination of our intellect and even two words that have the same meaning can hamper the ideology of your essay largely.
Role of Words in a Comparative Essay
When the question of how to write a comparative essay is answered, the first point that comes in mind is regarding the vitality of good words in an essay. The words denote what is the meaning of the entire essay and what is the basic format that the essay revolves around. Essay is a bank of information that is formulated according to what the readers wants to read instead of what you wish to present to the readers.
There is a huge difference between spoken and written language. So, do not write what you think but think what you should write in an essay. Proper concentration on words and grammar create an essay that follows all the basic rules of essay writing.
Avoid usage of too many words-
Try to keep it Simple An essay is a formal method of writing. If you use too many words, this can discourage the readers from reading the essay completely. For example, instead of writing, “it was a very bloodcurdling atmosphere, you can write” atmosphere was terrifying”. This makes the reader get involved in the idea of your essay more conveniently as more words mean that the essay is bulky and readers can restrain themselves from reading it until the end.
Avoid usage of superfluous words
The meaning of superfluous words is that the words that are not repeated often with the words that have similar meaning. Do not try to incorporate more and more words in your essay to make it look thoughtful. When the process of how to write a comparative essay is discussed, the usage of extra words is always discussed, as during comparisons usually we tend to use extra words to define the comparison more perfectly.
Now that you all know a little more about how to write a comparative essay with apt words, definitely the essay would come out to be more informative for the readers.
Essay Writing

Technically speaking there are two words for the same substance. You need to know where to place which words to make sure that the meaning does not change and the sentence structuring seems flawless. An improper selection of words in an essay make an essay appear acceptable or non-acceptable to the users as you do not know who will read your essay and from which viewpoint. Our language carries a domination of our intellect and even two words that have the same meaning can hamper the ideology of your essay largely.
Role of Words in a Comparative Essay
When the question of how to write a comparative essay is answered, the first point that comes in mind is regarding the vitality of good words in an essay. The words denote what is the meaning of the entire essay and what is the basic format that the essay revolves around. Essay is a bank of information that is formulated according to what the readers wants to read instead of what you wish to present to the readers.
There is a huge difference between spoken and written language. So, do not write what you think but think what you should write in an essay. Proper concentration on words and grammar create an essay that follows all the basic rules of essay writing.
Avoid usage of too many words-
Try to keep it Simple An essay is a formal method of writing. If you use too many words, this can discourage the readers from reading the essay completely. For example, instead of writing, “it was a very bloodcurdling atmosphere, you can write” atmosphere was terrifying”. This makes the reader get involved in the idea of your essay more conveniently as more words mean that the essay is bulky and readers can restrain themselves from reading it until the end.
Avoid usage of superfluous words
The meaning of superfluous words is that the words that are not repeated often with the words that have similar meaning. Do not try to incorporate more and more words in your essay to make it look thoughtful. When the process of how to write a comparative essay is discussed, the usage of extra words is always discussed, as during comparisons usually we tend to use extra words to define the comparison more perfectly.
Now that you all know a little more about how to write a comparative essay with apt words, definitely the essay would come out to be more informative for the readers.
Essay Writing